合勤基金會以發揚合勤投資控股集團及合勤科技、盟創科技等子公司之共同信念 ─「推動創新與創業」及「力行社會公益」為出發點,積極向外拓展並持續深耕,以「鼓勵創新」、「支持創業」、「培育優秀人才」與「善盡社會責任」為主軸,推展相關活動,期望成為火種,拋磚引玉的展現回饋社會的企業精神。
The ZYXEL Foundation continually aims to expand and deepen the spirit of “Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship” and “Practicing social welfare” upheld by Unizyx Holding Corporation, ZYXEL Communications, and MitraStar Technology.
The Foundation focuses on “cross-border innovation” and connecting the young generation with entrepreneurs, to expand their horizons and to inspire borderless, creative thinking for more groundbreaking achievements. We are also cultivating three major aspects -innovation, incubation, and environmental friendliness – to act as a beacon that moves our society forward in an entrepreneurial spirit.